Weekly overall meetings

For reference, we have a weekly meeting with anyone/everyone on the team and welcome any volunteers interested in participating or just listening in. See notes on meetings and minutes from past meetings on the wiki: Snowdrift Wiki - Meetings

Currently, the schedule is: Tuesday, June 19, 2018 7:00 PM[1]

We currently use Mumble. Contact us[2] for server details if you want to join in.[3]

  1. This should be in your time-zone if you have Discourse recognizing your time-zone, and it should fall-back to specifying a time-zone otherwise. Also, this should automatically update to the next meeting time, but this is our first test of this feature. ↩︎

  2. meta Q: what's the best way for people to contact who for this sort of case? ↩︎

  3. We've tried meet.jit.si and wish we had all its features, but we've had regular glitches each time we tested it so far. ↩︎

1 Appreciation