Doug Rushkoff, Team Human event in Portland, Feb 22

I plan to attend this event:

I may also try to get to the associated event the day before (February 21st at 7:30PM) at Powell’s Books.

Douglas Rushkoff is author of many books and involved in many documentaries and other things. He’s involved in the platform co-op movement to the extent that I’ve engaged in conversations online with him already and had several emails from him in my inbox this week because he’s active on the platform co-op mailing list.

I haven’t listened to his podcast or read his books, but they all seem great and I hope to get around to those things. I saw the important PBS film “Generation Like” that he helped produce a couple years back.

This will be a good chance to have real human interactions with him and other people highly aligned with’s values and mission. So, I encourage any other Portland-area Snowdrift community folks to consider attending.

I finally started listening more to the Team Human podcast too. I recommend it, it’s really excellent. And we need to more proactively connect with all the sorts of people who are guests there.

My plan now is to get to both events, Powell’s books 2019-02-21T08:00:00Z and the Bunk Bar one the day after, Friday ( 2019-02-22T08:00:00Z)

Incidentally, I hope people are actually watching our “Portland” tag. I think we’ll want to proactively get people to move to that from our old Portland mailing list and/or have region-specific announcements outgoing list in CiviCRM.