Crowd matching for content creators?
Good day to everyone.
I have been following the snowdrift project for sometime now and wanted to re-engage.
Is snowdrift planning to offer crowd matching for creators ? Or is it mostly for (FLO)(public good) projects (teams)?
I am spinning up as a content creator:
reachableceo/SponsorshipProfiles - SponsorshipProfiles - Gitea (sharing the process of developing my sponsorship profiles on various platforms like Patreon etc). I would like to create a profile on snowdrift as a creator. The reason I’m capturing it all in git is to compare / contrast the various subscription/ sponsorship platforms and how I utilize them. Hopefully providing inspiration for others.
reachableceo/ - - Gitea (Content I’m going to publish on my website once I settle on a CMS).
Would snowdrift have any compatibility with something like Substack (some paid content, some free. Or first few paragraphs are free and rest is paid? or premium podcast content?
I also am self hosting a supporter platform (in development , see reachableceo/selfhosted-sponsorship - selfhosted-sponsorship - Gitea ).
(Feel free to move the below items to a separate post or posts as desired).
How could I bring in the concepts of crowd matching to my own site ?
Is there a plan for a “crowdmatch me” button I can put on a site akin to buy me a coffee?
What is the path to an MVP for snowdrift ?
What is the status of snowdrift as an organization ? How (if at all) is that impacting the delivery of snowdrift as a platform / product / offering / service ?
What is the status of snowdrift as a platform / product / offering / service ?
I exist as a highly engaged, highly motivated, highly skilled individual who wants to see snowdrift / crowd matching succeed. I am happy to eagerly adopt snowdrift as (one of) my sponsorship sources and live stream / blog / build in public the entire experience.